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We work closely with local Police, the Fire Service, Leicestershire County Council and others to tackle a range of crime related issues and keep people safe in our community.
We manage the district's 'Safer North West Partnership'. Check out our community safety pages to find out more about the partnership and its current priorities.
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Advice about keeping safe
There are some simple steps which everyone can take to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime – both at home and in public. By following the links below you can access information and advice on protecting yourself, your home, vehicles, and businesses.
Personal safety
The chances of you or a member of your family becoming a victim of a violent crime are rare (e.g. assault or mugging).
But by taking some basic precautions and using your common sense you can reduce the risk even further. Here's some places you can find out more:
Chatroom safety advice for kids
Child Exploitation & Online Protection
Protecting your home
Many burglaries occur where houses or windows are left open or unlocked. If you make sure your home is fully secured you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of burglary. Leicestershire Police have more advice:
Distraction burglary or bogus callers
Protecting your business
Business crime can take many forms - it can be targeted against a single person working in business, against a single business, or a number of businesses in the same sector or geographical area.
Examples include commercial robbery, theft by employees, theft of and from vehicles, anti-social behaviour and criminal damage. Get advice from these places:
Putting Crime Out of Business (PDF Document, 0.22 Mb) - advice from the Home Office
Vehicle security
Having your vehicle, bike or belongings stolen can be distressing and cause a great deal of inconvenience. By taking some simple steps you can avoid being an easy target for thieves.
Steer Clear of Car Crime (PDF Document, 0.41 Mb) Home Office Booklet
Steer Clear of Cycle Theft (PDF Document, 1.01 Mb) Home Office Booklet
BikeRegister – National organisation where you can record and register your bicycle. This will aid recovery should it be stolen.
Advice from Leicestershire Police
Last updated: Tue 4 March, 2025 @ 09:51