This grant scheme is part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and supports a range of community activities and initiatives that are aligned to the Levelling Up missions as defined by the government.

Round four applications are open until Friday 25th October 2024. This is the final round of funding.

The fund is open to North West Leicestershire parish and town councils, parish meetings, constituted voluntary and community groups, uniformed groups, PTAs and not-for-profit organisations. 

What sort of projects will this grant scheme fund? 

We are looking for projects that deliver one or more of the following: 

  • Create or improve an area of public space, leading to increased visits
  • Make an area wheelchair accessible
  • Support a local event or initiative (eg arts, heritage, cultural, creative)
  • An improvement to the local neighbourhood
  • Create a new or support an existing local facility (eg sports field, museum)
  • Create or improve green space or water
  • Create or improve local paths and cycleways
  • Plant Trees
  • Make changes to an area to reduce the occurrence of Anti-Social Behaviour or Crime
  • Campaign to encourage visits to the local area
  • Provide volunteering opportunities, bringing diverse groups of the community together
  • Support an existing group to obtain, retain or develop skills, knowledge and tools (particularly where this safeguards their future or helps them grow)
  • Install or improve digital connectivity (eg broadband or wifi) in a community facility

Circumstances where we WILL NOT provide financial support:

  •  Funding requests from schools
  •  Request for funding AFTER the activity or project has taken place
  •  Requests for funding for religious activities
  •  Requests for funding for political activities or by a political organisation
  •  Requests for funding for activities / projects which do not benefit individuals who live within North West Leicestershire.
  •  Requests for funding from private organisations or individuals
  •  Where there is potential reputational risk for North West Leicestershire District Council.

How much can we apply for? 

Each parish or area has been allocated an amount of between £3000 and £10,000 based on population size.  Some funds have been allocated to Round 3 applications but those areas can still apply in Round 4.  - Please see the UK-SPF Community Grant Frequently Asked Questions Round 4 (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)for more details or check via the application form below. 

When will I be notified if my application has been successful? 

We will aim to let all applicants know whether they have been successful within 5 weeks of the application deadline. 

I'm not sure which parish or area my planned project is in?

You can use this map to find out (select parish as the boundary) or contact for help. 

How will my application be assessed? 

Applications will be assessed against the outcomes they will deliver. Applications for projects that deliver more than one output and have clear, measurable targets around outcomes will have the best chance of success. 

Find out more about the UK Shared Prosperity funding for North West Leicestershire.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit

For more information - Please see UK-SPF Community Grant Frequently Asked Questions Round 4 (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)

or contact

Start your application

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Last updated: Tue 20 August, 2024 @ 13:08