A service provided by the Housing Management department which gives opportunity for the Council's most vulnerable tenants to have access to intensive support for a short period of time.

The tenancy sustainment officer (TSO) will, after referral, seek a meeting with the tenant to assess their needs. The TSO will then engage on a frequency of visits to be determined by the service user and look to work through the tenancy difficulties they may be experiencing. An example of what the tenancy support officer deals with includes:

  • Long Term financial difficulties including access to grants and benefits
  • Assistance with getting back into work and accessing approproate benefits
  • Form filling
  • Organisational skills
  • Support with moves into more approproate accommodation

In addition to specific support around your NWLDC tenancy, we also offer a personal budgeting support service, referred through the Job Centre Plus as part of your claim for Universal Credit.

For more specific information about aspects of Tenancy Sustainment, please visit our Tenancy Self Support Site

Last updated: Thu 6 June, 2024 @ 16:33