
The Council adopted its first Council Delivery Plan in April 2005. Since then, the Plan has evolved over time to reflect both the changing environment in which the Council is operating and the progress that has been made on our Journey of Improvement. This latest Council Delivery Plan for 2010 - 2014 carries forward the Council's "Journey of Improvement" into the next phase of improvement activity.

The Council Delivery Plan sits at the heart of the Council's Corporate Planning Framework. Its purpose is to set out what the Council intends to do in the next three years and how it intends to do it. It contains all of the key deliverables and articulates where the organisation is going and how it is going to get there. As well as looking forward, the Plan also looks back at the achievements and outcomes the Council has delivered in the last year. The Plan tells our story of improvement by giving the reader a sense of where we have come from, where we are now and where we are going to.

The Plan

The Council Delivery Plan 2010 - 2014 builds on last year's Plan but, in order to focus the various sections of the document more effectively at their target audiences, the Plan for 2010 - 2014 comprises the following distinct volumes:

Council Delivery Plan Vol 1 - 2010-14 - Introduction (Word Document, 0.32 Mb)

Council Delivery Plan Vol 1 - 2010-14 - Introduction (PDF Document, 0.34 Mb)

Council Delivery Plan Vol 2 - 2010-14 - Strategic Direction and Future Plans (Word Document, 0.55 Mb)

Council Delivery Plan Vol 2 - 2010/2014 - Strategic Direction and Future Plans (PDF Document, 0.25 Mb)

Council Delivery Plan Vol 3 20101-14 - Performance – Annual Report (Word Document, 3.83 Mb)

Council Delivery Plan Vol 3 20101-14 - Performance – Annual Report (PDF Document, 0.69 Mb)

Council Delivery Plan Vol 4 2010/2014 - What the Council will do in 2010/11 (Word Document, 0.57 Mb)

Council Delivery Plan Vol 4 - 2010/2014 - What the Council will do in 2010/11 (PDF Document, 0.4 Mb)

Last updated: Mon 16 May, 2011 @ 16:50