Top tasks:

There are a number of reasons why you might qualify for a reduction in your council tax demand notice. You may also qualify for an exemption.

Please note that following any of the links below to apply online will involve setting up an online account first.

Single occupier discount

Council tax is based on two or more people living in a property.

If only one adult (aged 18 or over) lives there, there may be a 25% discount.

If you would like to apply for this discount please download the form and return it to us at the address shown below.

Sole occupier discount form

Other discounts

Some people - including students, apprentices and carers - may qualify for a discount on their demand notices. Look at our 'definitions' page to see if you might qualify. 

Discount for annexes

Annexes meeting certain criteria will be entitled to a 50% discount.

To qualify the annex must be occupied by a relative of the person liable to pay council tax on the main home - or if it is unoccupied the annex must be being used as part of the main home.

If you wish to apply please download the application form below, complete it and return the form to us. We will consider the application and notify you of our decision.

Council Tax annex discount form

Empty Properties 

Properties that are unoccupied and unfurnished - are entitled to a one month discount of 100%. However, from April 2025, if they have been empty for a year or more, they will be subject to a premium which is in additon to the normal charge on the property. This premium is 100%, after 1 year, 200% after 5 years and 300%, after 10 years. There are various classes of property that are exempt from the premium, some for a limited period.  Please visit the link below to see more information on this:

Council Tax exceptions 

Discretionary Discount Scheme

We have a scheme to assist people facing severe financial hardship.

There is very limited funding for this discount. It will be means tested and will require applicants to share detailed information regarding their income and expenditure. Discounts will only be awarded where all relevant criteria is met and will be subject to funds being available.

Email us at to find out more. 

Paying in instalments

You can choose to pay your council tax over 12 months instead of over 10 months with two months off. Get in touch if you want to pay over 12 months and we'll sort it out.

Last updated: Fri 28 February, 2025 @ 16:06