Who qualifies as a disabled person?
For council tax purposes, a disabled person is someone who is substantially and permanently disabled - whether by illness, injury, congenital deformity or otherwise.
A blind person may qualify as long as they fulfil the criteria on this page.
What form does the reduction take?
If you qualify, we will drop the 'band' your home falls into to the one below - which will reduce your charge.
If your property is in the lowest band A, you'll still get a reduction (equivalent to one-ninth of the average band D charge).
Does my home have to contain any special features to qualify?
Your home must contain one or more of these features:
(a) A room (other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) which is mainly used for the treatment or care of a disabled person because of the nature and extent of their disability, or
(b) An additional bathroom or kitchen which is required for meeting the needs of a disabled person, or
(c) Sufficient floor space to permit the use of a wheelchair, needed indoors by a disabled person
When considering whether a reduction should apply, we will have to decide whether you would find it impossible or extremely difficult to live in your home, or your health would suffer, or the disability would become more severe, if the room or extra feature were not available.
What evidence do I need to provide?
It will help to speed up our decision if you are able to enclose a certificate or note from a suitably qualified person - such as a person giving treatment or a social worker.
This needs to state that, because of your disability, the room or extra feature in your home for which the reduction is claimed is necessary.
If for any reason you are unable to obtain such certificate or note easily, please do not delay your application. We will still be prepared to consider it - but we may subsequently need to ask for evidence to support your application.
Does the disabled person have to be an adult?
Providing you live in the property and it contains one or more of the above features, then a reduction may be given whatever the age of the disabled person.
Who must make the application?
The application must be made by a person who is liable to pay the Council Tax bill. This may or may not be the disabled person.
How do I apply for the reduction?
Please complete the online form: Reductions for disabled people
Last updated: Mon 10 March, 2025 @ 17:21