Members' Allowances Scheme
A statutory framework governs Members' allowances which are reviewed and set by the Independent Remuneration Panel, which makes recommendations to Council about the scheme and the amounts to be paid. These recommendations are based on the panels analysis of the changing demands and pressures of Members' workloads, and linked to comparisons with other councils in England.
Basic Allowance
Each Councillor receives a basic allowance per year. The purpose of the basic allowance is to cover incidental expenses for undertaking the role of a Councillor. The amount is detailed in the Members' Allowances Scheme below.
Special Responsibility Allowances
Some Councillors, such as the Leader and Cabinet Members, receive a special responsibility allowance as well as the basic allowance. This is awarded if the Councillor has significant responsiblities over and above the normal work of a Ward Councillor.
Last updated: Thu 16 January, 2025 @ 12:51