Polling District and Polling Station Review 2024

Since October 2013, all local authorities have been required to review their polling districts, polling places, and polling stations every five years. The review period starts in October, and must be completed within 16 months of this. Each authority may choose the exact dates and length of their review; however it must fall within this window. The current compulsory review period is from October 2023 to Jan 2025.

The review for North West Leicestershire District Council will start in September 2024. As the Council is currently undergoing a Local Government Boundary Commission for England, electoral review, we are carrying out a light touch review, with a full review to be carried out once the Electoral Review has been completed.

Why do we need a review of polling stations?

The intention is to make sure that we have suitable polling district boundaries, which take into account the increases in population in certain areas following new development, and to make sure that wherever possible, we are offering polling stations that are in suitable premises in the best location with good access and, good transport links.

In encouraging views, it is of course the case that the availability of suitable polling places is the key determining factor in the makeup of polling districts.  We welcome all comments but would also ask that any requests for change include suggestions of alternative locations.

The definition of the terms for the items being reviewed are:

  • A 'polling district' is a geographical subdivision of an electoral area such as a district or parish ward which a polling place is designate.
  • A 'polling place' is defined as the building or area in which a polling station resides.
  • A 'polling station' is the room or area within a polling place where voting takes place. Unlike polling districts and polling places which are fixed by the local authority, polling stations are chosen by the Interim (Acting) Returning Officer.

The review requires the council to:

  • Seek to ensure that all the electors in the constituency have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances.
  • Seek to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practicable, the polling places they are responsible for are accessible to all electors, and when considering the designation of a polling place, must have regard to the accessibility needs of disabled persons.
  • Seek to ensure that polling places are within their polling district unless special circumstances (such as no suitable building being available) make it desirable to designate an area outside the polling district.

The (Acting) Returning Officer is required to decide how many polling stations are needed for each polling place and to allocate electors to the polling stations in such a manner they think most convenient.

The following is not considered as part of the review:

  • The changing of any district ward boundaries. This can only be done by statute following an electoral review carried out by the Local Government Boundary Commission - a district ward review for North West Leicestershire District is currently taking place and futher review of Polling Districts, places and stations will be carried out on the completion of the Boundary Review.


  • The changing of polling districts in areas which are also aligned with parish boundaries and therefore cannot be amended during this review (these can only be amended during a Community Governance Review).

Who can give feedback?

Comments from electors, members and other interested parties are welcome, including any person or organisation with a particular interest or expertise about access premises or facilities for those with different forms of disability. 

Comments / feedback should be made either by writing to:

Electoral Services

North West Leicestershire District Council 

PO Box 11051


LE67 0FW

or by e-mailing electreg@nwleicestershire.gov.uk

Anybody making representations should be aware that, upon completion of the review, all correspondence and representations received must, by law, also be published.

Timetable for the review

Information and guidance on Polling Place Reviews, including how to appeal a review, can be found on the Electoral Commission’s website.

2024 statutory Polling Place Review documentation:

Notice of review - Notice of Review of Polling District and Polling Stations 02.09.24 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

Current Arrangements - Current Polling Places 02.09.24 (PDF Document, 0.12 Mb)

Last updated: Fri 13 December, 2024 @ 11:19