Project summary
An exciting project that will transform tennis in the club and local community is planned for ACLTC. This much needed facility will encourage and further enhance participation for all in tennis and we need your votes to make it happen!
Boasting a spacious ground floor reception area with lounge, refreshment opportunities and indoor viewing of the courts, a repositioned and upgraded ladies changing room and new disabled toilet will ensure access for all to our on and off court facilities. We will offer:
• Ladies only courses
• Disability tennis
• 'Come and try tennis' sessions
• New viewing facilities
Project update
- January 2016 - ACLTC have been successful in the £20,000 for Seven programme being awarded £20,000 towards their project.
- March 2016 - ACLTC were winners of the additional bonus fund of £10,000, this will go towards the clubhouse extension.
- April 2016 - the project has started! The extension to the clubhouse is underway! Match funding has been secured.
- May 2016 - the new disable toilets and ladies changing rooms are under construction.
- June 2016 - the refurbishments to the kitchen are coming along nicely!
- July 2016 - the extension to the clubhouse and interior works are complete! Chairman of North West Leicestershire Parish Council Councillor Cotterill will be opening the new extension at the open day Saturday 9 July 2016.
Image Gallery (13)
Last updated: Tue 5 July, 2016 @ 10:37