There have been many changes to the benefits system in recent years.   

Benefit Cap

A limit on the total amount that most working age people can get.  If you're affected your Housing Benefit will go down. 

Find out more about the Benefit Cap

Council Tax Support

This local system of help replaced Council Tax Benefit. Working age people now have to pay at least 15% of their bill. 

Find out more about Council Tax Support

Mixed age couples

You can't usually make a new Housing Benefit claim as a couple until you've both reached pension age. Mixed age couples will normally have to claim Universal Credit instead.

Find out more about mixed age couples

Personal Independence Payment

Personal Independence Payment is gradually replacing Disability Living Allowance for disabled adults. It helps with some of the extra costs of long term ill-health or disability, and is based on how your condition affects you, not the condition you have. 

Find out more about Personal Independence Payment

Under occupancy

Housing Benefit reductions for spare bedrooms, also called 'spare room subsidy' or 'bedroom tax'. If you live in a council or housing association home and have one or more ‘spare’ bedrooms, the amount of Housing Benefit that you can get may be reduced. 

Find out more about Under occupancy

Universal Credit

Replacing benefits if you're out of work and replacing tax credits if you're in work.   Available to most working age single people, couples and families.

Find out more about Universal Credit

Last updated: Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 12:35