Your opinion matters

We aim to provide efficient and good quality services to all our customers, but on some occasions things can go wrong. 

If you would like to make a comment, complaint or compliment please complete our online feedback form

If you have a complaint about a councillor's conduct then please visit our Local Code of Conduct page.

Complaints policy

As part of our commitment to improve customer service, we follow our Complaints Policy (PDF Document, 0.21 Mb)

We want you to be able to tell us where our services or policies are failing - the more we know about your opinions, the quicker we can improve our services.

What is a complaint?

Please use our complaints policy if you think the Council has not: 

  • Provided the standard or quality of service promised
  • Followed our own policies
  • Responded promptly to your enquiry or request for service
  • Treated you fairly
  • Treated you with courtesy

What is not a complaint?

Sometimes the complaints policy may not be the most suitable route for reporting a problem.

Firstly you should take the matter up with the team that provides the service. Let them know what you would like to be done to put things right. The staff will try their best to resolve the problem.

You can report many issues online including:

Your request could become a complaint if we do not take the appropriate action, or we do something wrong.

What will happen after I have complained?

  • At Stage 1 your complaint will be passed to the Customer Experience Team, who will monitor the progress of your complaint

  • You will receive a written acknowledgement within five working days of making your complaint

  • Your complaint will be investigated fairly, honestly and timely by the relevant team leader/manager

  • We aim to provide a response within 10 working days

  • When your complaint has been fully investigated we will send you a formal response. This will contain further details on how to raise your complaint to a Stage 2 should you wish.

What if I am not satisfied with your response?

If you are not satisfied with our response from Stage 2 you can take your case to:

The Housing Ombudsman has recently launched a Complaint Handling Code to support effective complaint handling and prevention alongside learning and development. A self-assessment undertaken in April 2024 has confirmed the Housing Service at North West Leicestershire District Council is fully compliant with the current requirements set out in this code.  The completed document is available to view below:

Housing Ombudsman Self Assessment Form June 2024 (PDF Document, 0.58 Mb)

Please view our Annual Complaints Report and refer to item 14 on the agenda to view our corportate complaints. 

Unreasonable communications and behaviour

We believe that our customers have a right to be heard, understood and respected. We work hard to be open and accessible to everyone.

Occasionally, the behaviour or actions of individuals using our services makes it very difficult for us to deal with their enquiry or complaint. In a small number of cases the actions of individuals become unacceptable because they involve abuse of our staff or our process.

When this happens, we have to take action to protect the health and wellbeing of our staff who have a right to do their jobs without fear of being abused or harassed. We also consider the impact of the behaviour on our ability to do our work and provided a service to others.

Unreasonable Behaviour and Communication Policy (PDF Document, 0.39 Mb)

This policy explains how we will approach these situations. The policy applies to all areas of our work and to all methods of contact including telephone, face-to-face, letters, e-mails, social media and other digital channels.

Last updated: Tue 25 March, 2025 @ 13:45