As part of our Zero Carbon commitment, we offer Zero Carbon Grants of £50 to £1000 each for environmentally-focused community projects across North West Leicestershire district

Now open for applications

These are simple projects that make a big impact and are open to groups and organisations, including parish councils. Match funding of £50 tomap of NWL district with £1000 £1000 is required; this needs to be cash as opposed to in-kind funding, therefore your project should have a minimum value of £100. Projects need to take place within a planned timescale of 12 months.

Examples of what you could apply for:

  • General environmental improvements and climate change related projects
  • Energy efficiency improvements to buildings - eg LED lighting, roof insulation
  • Schemes to encourage cycling and walking
  • Projects to improve green spaces - community orchards, wildflower meadows, tree or hedge planting
  • Equipment to support composting, recycling or litter picking

Start your application 

Gilwiskaw Brook Green Grant

The picture to the right shows the Trent River Trust receiving a grant for vegetation clearing for the enhancement of Gilwiskaw Brook near Hood Park, Ashby.

Last updated: Wed 19 June, 2024 @ 13:04