If you have a question about our new Inclusive Club Scheme please see the frequently asked questions (FAQ's) below and see if these answer your question.
Where can I find information about the training courses available to support our application?
You can find our elgible trainign courses by visiting our workforce development page and looking for courses marked *(ICS).
How long is accreditation with the scheme valid for once achieved?
Your accreditation with the scheme is valid for 2 years from the date of verification. After two years, you will need re-complete your accreditation.
How long does it take to complete an accreditation?
The time needed to complete accreditation will depend on whether your club are applying for a bronze or silver level. It will also depend on how many people from the clubs core team are supporting the application, and how the criteria are delegated to members of the team. We will provide a 12 month period from application for the club to complete their accreditation and meet all of the needed criteria.
Who supports the Inclusive Club Scheme?
The scheme is supported and endorsed by our partners Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sport and the North West Leicestershire Staying Healthy Partnership. The partnership board is made up of a range of representatives from health services, private, public and voluntary sectors all of which are committed to supporting and developing the overall health and wellbeing of the residents of North West Leicestershire.
How much does accreditation to the scheme cost?
If you club would like to become bronze level accredited it will cost £25 per club. If you club would then like to progress to become silver accredited it will cost a further £10 per club. All income generated from applications will be re-invested into the scheme.
If I have some feedback or a question, who can I contact?
We would love to hear your feedback around the scheme and are also willing to answer any questions. Please send any feedback or questions to the team via Emily Rodbourne on emily.rodbourne@nwleicestershire.gov.uk or give us a call on 01530 454755.
If you cannot find the answer to your question please contact the team via: Emily Rodbourne on emily.rodbourne@nwleicestershire.gov.uk or 01530 454755
Last updated: Tue 12 May, 2020 @ 14:35