Kegworth’s public realm project – improvements to Market Place
Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this being done – what are the benefits?

This project aims to create an attractive centre to the village that people want to visit and spend time in. We also want to maintain the car park and provide easier and safer access for customers, deliveries to local shops and for the people that live in and around Market Place.
It also aims to enhance its use as a location for community events – with increased footfall benefitting local businesses.

How has the new Market Place layout been arrived at?

The revised plans take into account views expressed by local businesses and others, including:
• Establish Market Place as a shared space – a car park which can also be used for events as required
• Retain the northern end of Market Place as both an entrance and exit for vehicles
• Reopen the southern end for one-way vehicular access (no exit)
• Improve access for deliveries to businesses in Market Place
• Provide a better, safer parking layout while keeping the same amount of spaces
• Ensure disabled parking spaces are near the Co-op supermarket
• Provide a safer space for everyone to navigate
• Improve seating and planting, making it a pleasant place to stop and sit
• Provide bike parking
• Improve pedestrian access to Kegworth from London Road by widening the footpath

The plans have also been influenced by important safety considerations (such as the latest highways standards) and the practicalities of designing a space which has a sharp slope on the south eastern corner of Market Place.
Kegworth Parish Council has been closely involved in the development of this revised plan.

Will Market Place still be a place to park?

Yes. Local business people and residents have made it clear that Market Place is an important parking area for shoppers and visitors to the centre of the village. In drawing up with new plans, every effort has been made to keep the same number of parking spaces.
The revised plan maintains 23 parking spaces, including two spaces for Blue Badge holders.

Will Market Place parking be restricted?

Yes, in line with the wishes of businesses in and around Market Place. Parking time limits were put in place in November 2019, to deter long-stay parking and to increase the overall supply of spaces. The traffic order to implement these restrictions has now expired, but the intention is that the length of stay on Market Place will be limited. There will also be dedicated spaces for Blue Badge holders.

Will the number of parking spaces in the Market Place be reduced?

The plan maintains the current number of parking places on Market Place – 23, including two spaces for Blue Badge holders.

Who’s paying for this?

The total budget for this project is £1m. This covers the work on the Market Place and London Road, as well as the work already completed in installing the new gateways to the village and re-siting the bus shelter opposite Market Place.
Half has been secured from the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), following an application by North West Leicestershire District Council. North West Leciestershire District Council is contributing an additional £450,000 and Kegworth Parish Council £50,000.
This is in direct response to feedback from the Parish Council’s consultation in 2018 when people said they didn’t want to fund any improvements from the parish precept (part of the Council Tax). Alternative funding was sought from the LLEP, leading to a £1m budget which exceeded original expectations. As a result, there will be no need to raise Council Tax bills to meet the cost of this project.

Could this money be used in other ways?

This money is for a specific purpose and comes with strings attached. It’s primarily intended to improve the public realm through the creation of a space for everyone to use. It has also funded the gateways and re-siting of the bus shelter opposite the Market Place.

Why does this seem to have dragged on for so long?

Thinking about the future of the village started in earnest in 2017, when Kegworth bypass was being built. A consultation by the Parish Council led to the current temporary parking layout. Because people indicated they didn’t want to pay for any improvements, North West Leicestershire District Council looked for a new source of funding, supported by Kegworth Parish Council. That funding wasn’t confirmed until July 2020, but the success of the bid created an opportunity to think bigger.

An initial plan was drawn up to refocus Market Place as a public space, with less parking. Public engagement on this was originally planned for autumn 2020. However, the activity was postponed – mainly because of Covid-related restrictions, but also because of initial negative reaction to what was being proposed, particularly around the potential reduction in parking spaces.

The pause was used to seek the views of businesses in and around Market Place, at the request of the Parish Council. The views expressed by businesses have directly influenced the plans you are now being invited to view.
It also allowed the resolution of legal, ownership and access rights issues.

What influence can we have over these plans?

Conditions accompanying the funding mean the core elements of this project are well-established – the creation of a shared space in Market Place, traffic calming through the introduction of gateways and moving the bus shelter opposite Market Place to the bus stop.
However, the views of the people of Kegworth are very important. That is why you are now being asked to provide your views on the plans and options around the materials to be used. There will also be opportunities for you to ask questions of the project team and share your views in person. You can find out more about the events and share your views online at

It is important to stress that this is not a vote, but the views of residents, businesses, people who work in the village or have an interest, will be taken into consideration when plans are finalised. This will be alongside legal, safety and practical construction issues relating to Market Place.

When will the work take place?

It is anticipated the work will take place early 2024 with completion expected in Spring. Once the exact dates are known, these will be shared.

Will the Market Place still be used for Christmas and Easter events?

Yes, after the work is completed Market Place will still be used for annual events, including Christmas and Easter.

Will the bus stop remain where it is?

The bus stop will remain where it is but we expect to have to move the shelter as the paved area for pedestrians will be resized and resurfaced. The shelter will remain close to the bus stop.

How will cyclists and pedestrians benefit from the project?

The new plans for Market Place include bike stands for securing bikes. Access to Market Place will be safer for all users, with footways clearly distinguishable from the car parking spaces.

We are also planning to improve the footway approaching Kegworth via London Road.

Last updated: Thu 25 May, 2023 @ 10:06