Top tasks:
- Appeals and disputes
- Apply for benefits
- Backdated claims
- Carers who stay overnight
- Council Tax Support - help to pay your bill
- Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs)
- Housing Benefit
- Overpayments
- Report a change in circumstances - benefits
Claiming help with your rent (private renters)
If you’re working age, you’ll need to claim Universal Credit to get help with your rent - unless:
- You’ve been placed in temporary accommodation by our Housing Choices Team or
- You live in supported accommodation
If you’re pension age, you can claim Housing Benefit.
Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates are used to work out how much Housing Benefit you can get if you rent from a private landlord.
It's a flat rate allowance, based on the area where you live and the number of people who live with you. It isn't based on the rent that your landlord charges for your property.
Your Housing Benefit is worked out using your LHA rate, your income and your savings. You need a valid tenancy agreement.
Housing Benefit under LHA rules is usually paid directly to you rather than to your landlord.
If you rent from a housing association or the council, rent a caravan or houseboat or have a tenancy which began before 1989, your Housing Benefit will based on the amount of rent that you're charged.
Related Links (3)
Last updated: Mon 6 January, 2025 @ 13:00