Love Your Neighbourhood logoLove Your Neighbourhood is a new environmental campaign focused on bringing North West Leicestershire residents together to create cleaner, greener neighbourhoods we can all be proud of.

This three-year campaign builds on the success of our Zero Litter campaign, initially focusing on four key themes:

Campaign plan

Front cover of the Love Your Neighbourhood campaign document

The Love Your Neighbourhood campaign plan details a wide range of actions we'll be taking to reduce litter, fly tipping and dog fouling, increase recycling, and educate residents on enviro-crime and waste disposal.

Love Your Neighbourhood campaign plan (PDF Document, 3.43 Mb)

Weekend of Action and grant funding

Recognising that we can’t do everything, Love Your Neighbourhood is about bringing people together to make environmental improvements across the district.

We’re encouraging community groups, parish councils, schools and other not-for-profit organisations to deliver community events during our Weekend of Action on Saturday 6 July and Sunday 7 July.

Eligible groups can apply for a grant of up to £150 to help deliver their event.

Find out more and apply for a grant.

Campaign background

During 2022 to 2024, we ran a Zero Litter campaign which involved taking a ‘one team, one council’ approach to reduce litter, change behaviour and educate people about the impact of littering.

Front page of the Zero Litter Campaign document

During the campaign a number of successes were achieved, including:

  • 1,250kg of waste collected as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Big Spring Clean 
  • 319 volunteer litter pickers recruited, taking the total to nearly 600 volunteer litter pickers operating across the District
  • Over 19,000 litter bags given to volunteer litter pickers
  • 28 Fixed penalty Notices issued, and one successful prosecution secured for littering from vehicles
  • 15,000kg of litter collected and 38,000kg of sweepings and detritus cleared during our annual litter picks on the A42
  • Participation in the county-wide fly tipping campaign
  • Successful deployment of the matrix trailer covering 132 miles of Leicestershire, including 34 deployments in our district during 2023/24.

This campaign was very successful, and to continue its success and expand into a bigger campaign involving more teams from across the council, Love Your Neighbourhood has been developed.

Last updated: Thu 16 May, 2024 @ 13:04