Artists impression of the redesigned Marlborough Square, showing a market in a busy market square

We are redesigning Marlborough Square, making it a much more attractive, pedestrian-friendly public space that can be used for events and markets as well as a place to relax with friends and family.

Regeneration of this part of the town has long been an ambition of the district council and this work will complement our indoor market and events space, Newmarket.

Our investment will transform this part of the town, boosting the local economy and encouraging further investment from the private sector.

The redesign includes:

  • A central outdoor market and events space
  • High-quality street furniture 
  • Bespoke seating inspired by the National Forest
  • Raised planting
  • Feature LED lighting
  • Granite paving
  • Introduction of a one-way traffic system
  • Limited vehicle access to the northern part of the square.

What's happening next? 

Belvoir Road will be closed between Owen Street and Jackson Street for road resurfacing on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June.Please note - the D-Day event at Newmarket will still be going ahead!

Opening soon!

The work to redesign Marlborough Square is due to complete in June 2024 - watch this space for our programme of markets and events! 

Last updated: Fri 7 June, 2024 @ 10:14