Report an emergency repair between 8:45AM - 5PM by calling 01530 454635
Report an emergency out of hours repair by calling 01530 833373
We operate an enhanced emergency repairs service where a repair:
- Is life threatening
- Will cause injury or impedes the tenants welfare
- Is a major threat to a residents security
- Will cause more than minor damage to the property.
Examples of emergency repairs (not exhaustive)
- Gas escape within the property.
- Total or partial loss of gas supply or a fire or boiler not working correctly.
- Total loss of electrical power or lighting circuits not caused by a power cut.
- Unsafe power, lighting and electrical fittings.
- Smoke alarms that are constantly sounding.
- Leaking water or heating pipe, tank or cistern.
- Taps which cannot turn on or off.
- A blocked toilet, sink or drain
- An extensive leak to a main water supply pipe or a burst tank.
- Total loss of heating or hot water.
- Loss of the ability to bathe or shower
- A roof leak.
- Insecure windows, doors or door locks including key-safes fitted by the Council.
- Lock change requests.
- Loose or detached banister, handrail, stair tread or floorboards.
- Mechanical extractor fan in kitchen or bathroom not working.
You should not use this service unless you are sure the repair cannot wait until the next working day.
You may be charged for the cost of the visit if we feel that the problem is:
- Not an emergency
- Caused by something which you may have done
- A faulty electrical appliance
Other repair contacts
The following are not our responsibility and should be reported directly to:
- For gas leaks contact Transco on 0800 111 999
- For gas meters contact your supplier
- For water leaks in the road contact Severn Trent Water on 08457 500 500
- For street lighting and highways contact Leicestershire County Council on 0116 3050001.
Bogus callers
All of our workers, contractors, and officials carry identity cards which they will always show to any resident before entering their homes.
Cards have a telephone number to contact us - so you can confirm the employee is genuine.
Utility companies and other organisations also operate similar identity card or password systems.
If you have any doubt about the identity of anyone calling at you home, then call us or your local police straight away. DON'T LET ANYONE IN - if we're genuine, we won't mind, whatever the weather.
Last updated: Thu 11 May, 2023 @ 15:51