Your first garden waste bin is emptied free of charge but if you would like extra bins, you can subscribe to the additional garden waste service.

Two brown lidded garden waste bins

2024-25 subscriptions

The 2024-25 subscription year runs from 1 June 2024 until 31 May 2025 and costs £57 per extra bin.

If you would like to join the service for 2024-25, or need to request a replacement bin sticker, please or call 01530 45 45 45.

Pease note, if joining the service after 1 June 2024, the charge is still £57 for extra garden waste bin(s) to be emptied until 31 May 2025.

How does it work?

Once you have signed up to the additional garden waste service, we will send you a bin (if required) and a sticker to put on your extra garden waste bin(s). This will show our collection crews that the bin has been paid for, the year it is valid for and which property it belongs to.

You can then put the extra garden waste bin(s) out for collection on your usual garden waste collection day. Please note that extra garden waste bins put out for collection without a valid sticker will not be emptied.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the service, including details on which size garden waste bins need to be paid for.

Last updated: Thu 20 February, 2025 @ 16:24