A personal import is something you bring into the country for your own personal use. This includes food that is sent in the post from abroad and addressed to an individual in the UK.

Control over personal imports in passenger luggage is the responsibility of the Border Control Agency (customs). Port health deal with imports of goods through the cargo route.

You are entitled to bring back a reasonable amount of food that is on sale in any EU country.

Personal imports of meat, meat products, milk and milk products cannot (with a few exceptions) be brought in from non-EU countries.

Up to 1kg each of fishery products, shellfish, eggs, egg products, honey, frogs legs or snail meat can be imported as personal luggage for personal use from certain approved countries.

You can find more information on the gov.uk website bringing food into Great Britain page.

Last updated: Wed 12 June, 2024 @ 12:38