Certain types of business in villages with a population of 3,000 or less, may qualify for rate relief of 50% (100% from April 2017).
Businesses that qualify are:
- The sole general store and the sole Post Office in the village - provided it has a Rateable Value of up to £8,500
- Any food shop with a Rateable Value of up to £8,500
- The sole pub and the sole petrol station in the village - provided it has a Rateable Value of up to £12,500
We may decide to give up to 100% relief to any other business in such a village, with a rateable value of up to £16,500 - if we are satisfied the business is of benefit to the community.
Find out more about rural rate relief on the Government's website.
An application form for Mandatory and Discretionary Rural Rate Relief is available on request. Please contact the Revenues Team.
Last updated: Mon 18 May, 2020 @ 13:24