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Fri 5 July, 2024, 7:30pm to 11:30pm

Central Rock n Roll Presents Live 1950s Rhythm & Blues band - The Rhythyn Burners

Join us at Central Rock n Roll at The Central Bar, Ibstock, Leicestershire for a night of 1950s Nostalgia with Live 1950s & Rhythm and Blues style band The Rhythm Burners - Plus DJ Whiskey Jean from Splinterwood Radio. Great for Jivers and Music..

Sat 27 July, 2024, 7:30pm to 11pm

Thringstone Rock n Roll - Live 1950s Band - KING JOES & THE ATLANTICS

Join us at Thringstone Rock n Roll at Thringstone Members club for the incredible 6 Piece band King Joe & The Atlantics with Brass. bringing 1950s music alive with the sounds of big joe turner & Bill hayley with a strong hint of Rhythm &..

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