Project summary

This is an exciting opportunity to create a much needed community venue for our villages by providing disabled persons access, a toilet, servery and space for around 100 people.

Worthington churchThis will give the opportunity for different groups of all ages to meet (already the Brownies and Guides are waiting to use the space for their weekly activities!).

These improvements will support other groups to form and grow and other activities for example youth groups, choir concerts, whist drives, mums and toddlers, etc. to take place.

Refurbishments will provide wheelchair access to the spacious newly levelled floor, refreshment area and toilet facilities, this will provide a meeting place for the local community and surrounding area.

Our ambition is to make the building accessible for all; for it to become a living facility for the villages and a community asset. The community venue will become a focal point for village social life providing an opportunity to drop in and chat with friends.

Our challenge is to provide a meeting place for our parish and the surrounding communities!

Project Update

December 2014 - Grant of £20,000 awarded 


Visit the Worthington village website 

Last updated: Wed 6 May, 2020 @ 12:40