Local development plans
The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 introduced a new type of plan called a Local Development Framework. This is made up of a series of documents called Local Development Documents (LDDs). LDDs will provide the planning framework for the consideration of planning applications by the Borough Council. They replace the previous system of plan making, which comprised Local Plans and Structure Plans.
- Authority Monitoring Report
Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) - Previously known as Annual Monitoring Report. Implementation of the Local Development Scheme. Annual Build Rate.
- Building new affordable homes
Building New Affordable Homes. The Council has a role in ensuring that the right type of homes are built for poeple wanting to live in North West Leicestershire. This responsibility is often reffered to as an 'enabling' role. The Council does not actually build housing, rather we work with Social Housing Providers (Housing Associations) and house builders to 'enable' new homes to be built.
- Examination Library
Library of documents relating to the Local Plan Partial review consultation
- Examination News
Latest news on the Local Plan Partial Review Examination
- Good Design Supplementary Planning Document
Good Design Supplementary Planning Document detailing the urban design requirements for developments within the district.
- Gypsy and Traveller Site Identification - Previous Stages
Previous stages in the identification of potential Gypsy and Traveller Sites.
- Hearing Statements
Details of Hearing Statements produced for the Local Plan Partial Review examination
- Local Development Scheme
Information about the North West Leicestershire Local Development Scheme
- Local Plan Examination - Position Statements
Position Statements submitted for the Local Plan Examination Hearings
- Local Plan Proposed Modifications Consultation
Information for residents and other stakeholders on the Proposed Modifications to the Local Plan and how they can have their say.
- Partial Review Examination
The webpages relating to the Local Plan Partial Review Examination
- Partial Review Pre-submission consultation
Focusing solely on amending Policy S1 of the adopted Local Plan.
- Previous Statement of Community Involvement
Archived copies of previous SCIs.
- Withdrawn SPDs and guidance
Former Supplementary Planning Documents/Guidance that was withdrawn in January 2018