Following the Examination hearing sessions held in January and March 2017, Mr Brian Sims BSc CEng MICE MRTPI, the Independent Planning Inspector appointed on behalf of the Secretary of State, requested that the Council undertake consultation on a number of Main Modifications (EX/101) required to make the Plan sound in the light of new documentary evidence provided since the Plan was submitted for examination.  This was without prejudice to the Inspector’s ultimate conclusions and recommendations on the Plan and whether there will be any further hearings after the public consultation.  

The Proposed Modifications Consultation Period ran from 12 June 2017 to 24 July 2017.

The Main Modifications set out a series of changes we believed were required to resolve issues that make the Local Plan unsound or where it is not legally compliant.  These generally involve changes or insertions to policies and text that are essential to enable the Plan to be adopted.

At the same time, we also published a number of revised Policies Maps (EX/103) that required amending as a result of a Main Modification.

The new documentary evidence comprised:

Two Sustainability Appraisal Reports - A Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Report (June 2017) (EX/102) which was produced to reflect the proposed Main Modifications, as well as the Sustainability Appraisal Update produced in December 2016 (EX/37-38).

Those aspects of the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA), published in January 2017, which related directly to North West Leicestershire and our Local Plan (EX/65-67).

Other new documents and evidence produced by the Council which had not previously been subject to consultation.  This included evidence produced since the submission of the Local Plan in October 2016 and other documents, including Position Statements, submitted after the Examination Hearing dates in March 2017. 

In addition, the Council also consulted on additional Modifications – these were modifications of a more minor nature and which did not materially affect the policies set out in the Local Plan (e.g. relating to points of clarity, factual updates, correcting typographical or grammatical errors).  They were not be considered by the Inspector as they are not relevant to his report, but were considered by the Council before the Plan was adopted.


Statement of Representations - Procedure Notice (PDF Document, 0.27 Mb)

Publication Local Plan showing proposed modifications (June 2017) (PDF Document, 1.75 Mb) (This was produced to illustrate how the proposed modifications - both Main Modifications and additional Modifications - would alter the Publication Version Local Plan).


Matters That Were Subject To Consultation

1. Main Modifications

Local plan - main modifications schedule (PDF Document, 0.51 Mb)


2. Policies Maps

Local Plan Main Policies Map - June 2017 (PDF Document, 8.39 Mb)

Inset Maps - June 2017 (PDF Document, 18.22 Mb)

Map Showing Areas Potentially Suitable for Small Scale Wind Energy (PDF Document, 7.31 Mb)

Map Showing Areas Potentially Suitable for Medium/Large Scale Wind Energy (PDF Document, 7.33 Mb)

The Policies Maps above are only those where a Main Modification has required a map to be amended. 

3. Sustainability Appraisal Reports

Sustainability appraisal addendum report (june 2017) (PDF Document, 0.52 Mb)

Sustainability Appraisal Update (December 2016)

Sustainability Appraisal Report Update – Non-Technical Summary

4. Leicester and Leicestershire Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment

HEDNA Main Report January 2017

HEDNA Appendices January 2017

Leicester & Leicestershire Authorities Joint Statement of Co-operation January 2017

HEDNA implications for the Local Plan - housing

HEDNA implications for the Local Plan - employment

5. New Documents and Evidence

Evidence base documents submitted after submission of plan (October 2016)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Climate Change addendum

EX/35 (PDF Document, 18.02 Mb)

Annual Monitoring Report

EX/39 (PDF Document, 0.48 Mb)

Local Plan Viability Review Addendum

EX/84 (PDF Document, 0.5 Mb)

Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study: Update Report Scope   A

EX/93a (PDF Document, 2.4 Mb)

Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study: Update and Refresh of Outputs and Conclusions Scope   B

EX/93b (PDF Document, 1.34 Mb)

Wider   Market Developments: implications for Leicester and Leicestershire Final   Report EX/93c (PDF Document, 3.01 Mb)

Other documents submitted after hearing dates in March 2017

Covering   email from GVA (22 March 2017)

EX/94a (PDF Document, 0.12 Mb)

Letter   re Hall Lane, Whitwick (3 Feb 2017)

EX/94b (PDF Document, 0.36 Mb)

Bicknacre   Appeal Decision

EX/95 (PDF Document, 0.25 Mb)

Great  and Little Leighs Appeal Decision

EX/96 (PDF Document, 10.07 Mb)

Boreham  High Court Judgment

EX/97 (PDF Document, 0.23 Mb)

Second    letter re Hall Lane, Whitwick (24 March 2017)

EX/98 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

NWL   Green Wedge Study

EX/99 (PDF Document, 2.21 Mb)

NWL   Green Wedge Background Paper

EX/100 (PDF Document, 1.49 Mb)

Position Statements submitted after hearing dates in March 2017

NWL - response to Inspector's questions on affordable housing

NWLC Matter 4(2) (PDF Document, 0.37 Mb)

NWL Response to Inspector's questions on Areas of separation

NWLC Matter 8(2) (PDF Document, 0.38 Mb)

NWL Response to PS from Cllr Saffell

NWLC Matter 9(2) (PDF Document, 0.33 Mb)

6. Additional Modifications

Local plan - additional modifications schedule (PDF Document, 0.45 Mb)

Last updated: Tue 17 December, 2024 @ 10:26