We know many people are worried about the rising cost of energy bills, fuel and food, the cost of living crisis is affecting many of us. Whatever your worries may be, we've put together some helpful information.

Support provided by the UK Government 

You can also find further help and advice from Leicestershire County Council

Financial support

Budget advice and debt support

Help with living costs, food and essentials

Housing and homelessness


Health and wellbeing

Our Health and Wellbeing team holds free online fitness sessions during the week on Facebook. The session can be watched live, or you can watch after and join in at any time. The team also shares details of free and cheap sport and activity information on its Instagram page.

Mental Health and Money Advice is a free online service providing help and support to people affected by poor mental health and money issues.

Last updated: Mon 15 May, 2023 @ 11:00