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Energy funding and grants

Green Living Leicestershire - Home Upgrade Grant

Green Living Leicestershire is a partnership between North West Leicestershire District Council, Leicestershire County Council and other Leicestershire district authorities, to deliver projects supporting sustainability and Net Zero - the reduction of green house gas emissions to as close to zero as possible.

The Home Upgrade Grant is administered by the County Council's Warm Homes service together with YES Energy Solutions and can provide homeowners and private tenants with fully funded energy efficiency measures improving the warmth and comfort of homes, whilst also reducing energy bills, carbon emissions and levels of fuel poverty across the county.

The scheme supports households that do not have mains gas as a primary heating system such as those with electric, heating oil, LPG or solid fuel heating. Households that only use gas for cooking or secondary room heating can still apply.

Eligibility criteria includes households within priority neighbourhood areas and more widely, households with an income of £31,000 or less per year or in receipt of means tested benefits, with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D,E,F or G (D or E in private rental). It will prioritise the most energy inefficient households. 

For more information on the grants, including the full eligibility criteria, eligible postcode areas or to apply, visit Leicestershire County Council's Green Living Leicestershire Home Upgrade Grant webpage or call project delivery partner YES Energy Solutions on 0330 912 6199, who can support residents with their applications. 

logo for Green Living Leicester HUG2 funding grant

Green Living Leicestershire logo with district logs EXCLUDING Oadby & Wigston as they did no take part in the Sustainable Warmth project

Other useful sources

Leicestershire County Council has further information on energy efficiency grants available. 

The Government has a useful tool for helping you find grants to pay for energy saving measures

Grants are available to encourage propery owners to install low carbon heating systems such as heat pumps through the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), contributing up to £6,000 towards to the cost.  The Ofgem scheme runs from 2022 to 2025 and is open to domestic and small non-domestic properties in England and Wales.

Are you able to claim a cold weather payment?   Or claim a winter fuel payment?  

Find out if you qualify for a warm home discount off your bills. 

Does your energy company fund energy efficiency measures such as loft insulation or new boilers through the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO)?

Energy Advice 

HERO - Home Energy Retrofit Offer

Eligible residents living in energy inefficient homes can receive tailored support via home visits to access grant funding or assess their homes to identify suitable improvements.LCC scheme - Home Energy Retrofit Offer logo

The scheme aims to support residents to have the knowledge and confidence to improve homes, affordable warmth and cut carbon emissions. The service will be promoting retrofit of homes and providing advice at events across the county through to March 2025.

To find out more visit the HERO webpage or telephone the Warm Homes service on 0116 305 2524.

Warm Homes

Leicestershire County Council offers the Warm Homes advice service.  

They can help with:

  • Home improvement grants
  • Tariff advice
  • Energy debt advice
  • Energy efficiency advice
  • Benefit checks
  • Insulation grants

They have a comprehensive advice booklet which provides an overview of top tips to reduce heating bills and maintain affordable warmth, advice on grants, benefits and keeping your home fit for winter as well as a range of useful resources for further reading.

Check out their website for lots of useful information and you can sign up for their warm homes newsletter which will also advise of any future funding. 

Telephone: 0116 305 2524

Website: First Contact Plus Warm Homes Service

National Energy Association - Warm and Safe Homes Advice

The WASH Advice Service is a free national support service providing advice to householders in England and Wales on their energy bills and keeping warm and safe in their home. It also offers advice workshops direct to householders and training to frontline staff.

They can help with:

  • Support with gas and electricity accounts including fuel debt
  • Warm Home Discount and Priority Service Register information
  • Switching suppliers
  • Energy efficiency
  • Trust fund applications
  • Water rates
  • Benefits advice and income maximisation

WASH Advice Line: 0800 304 7159


Local Energy Advice Partnership (LEAP)

LEAP is a free service that is helping people keep warm and reduce their energy bills without costing them any money.  Contact them via their website or ring 0800 060 7567 or email for advice.

LEAP is open to all types of householders – homeowners, private renters and social housing tenants.  Individuals need to qualify in one of three categories in order to be eligible for the scheme - details are available on their website.

Switching Energy Supplier

Energy Switch scheme

Energy Switch is a national scheme that allows people to join together to buy electricity and gas, which usually brings the price down. The more people who join the scheme, the bigger the savings.  The scheme includes a renewable energy source. 

Energy Compare

Citizens Advice energy comparison tool could help you to find a better deal on your gas and electricity plus has useful advice about switching supplier including advice for those who are in fuel debt.

Other information

Switching Tariffs / Changing Energy Supplier - Money Saving Expert's Cheap Energy Club

Centre for Sustainable Energy - Advice guides (insulation, heating and hot water and energy bills)

Consumer champion Which also has advice:

Last updated: Fri 21 June, 2024 @ 15:50