School uniform swap shops
The uniform swap shop is an award winning programme that is running again in the district.
Shops, businesses and community venues have signed up to become a swap shop to receive second hand school uniform donations for schools within the local area.
While locations are no longer accepting donations at the moment, you can vist Newmarket Coalville and pick up a range of items. The complete list of locations can be found here:
School Swap Shop List of Venues (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)
For more information about the initiative, email
Food banks
A number of food banks operate across the district. The Trussell Trust runs the Ashby and Coalville food banks that also visit surrounding areas. Contact our customer service team on 01530 454545 to discuss a referral, speak to Citizens Advice or your GP.
Could you share your spare produce with a local food provision? More information here: Allotment - Share your spare (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb).
Foodbank Christmas 2024 opening times:
Community Fridges
The Coalville Children and Family Welfare Centre is home to the Coalville Community Fridge, which saves food from being wasted and provides it for free to anyone who needs or wants it. Find out more.
Plenty 2 Cook social supermarket
The MRC Plenty 2 Cook social supermarket runs 8.45am – 10.45am on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and 4.30pm – 6.30pm on Thursdays, offering cooking demonstrations, affordable food and a community cafe.
Love food, hate waste
The Love Food Hate Waste programme from WRAP has lots of delicious recipes to use up leftovers, handy hints and tips for storing food to make it last longer, a portion calculator to help you cook the right amount, and information on what food labels mean.
The Leicestershire Waste Partnership runs Less Waste, to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. The site includes advice on reducing food waste, making meals stretch and meal planning.
Budgeting Advance or Budgeting Loans
You may be able to claim a budgeting loan, or budgeting advance if you have been on certain benefits or Universal Credit for six months. The lowest amount you can borrow is £100 and the amount you get depends on your circumstances. You only have to pay back the amount you borrow, repayments are automatically taken from benefits.
Household items
The district is home to a wealth of charity shops, including the Marlene Reid Centre (MRC) furniture warehouses. Many of these shops sell second-hand furniture and tested appliances to help furnish your home for less.
Leicestershire Welfare provision - we're working with Leicestershire County Council and Charity Link to provide essential homes to those in need including furniture, closing, kitchen appliances and medical equipment. Applications can be made through Citizens Advice or call the Goods Depot on 0116 2874971 or email
Cheaper mobile phone and internet services
Many mobile phone and broadband providers offer social tariffs to help people struggling to afford their services.
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Last updated: Thu 19 December, 2024 @ 11:49