Housing Support for Families
There are a number of local organisations who can support families who may be experiencing difficulties which put them at risk of losing their home
Homestart North West Leicestershire
Home-Start North West Leicestershire is a voluntary charitable organisation which trains and supports volunteers to offer regular support, friendship and practical help to young families with a child under five, in their own homes. Home-Start is primarily a home visiting scheme that aims to work in partnership with the families providing encouragement and help in time of difficulties. You can approach Homestart direct for support by contacting:09423 188576 or 07989 299909 or you can ask to be referred by your health visitor or other support organisations you may be working with. More information can be found on Homestart's webpages.
Childrens Centres
Childrens centres give help and advice on child and family health, parenting, money, training and employment. They also provide one to one or group support sessions for those with particular needs. You can approach your local Childrens Centre directly or be reffered through another organisation you are working with. Leicestershire County Council's Children and Wellbeing Centres
Supporting Leicestershire Families
The Supporting Leicestershire Families service provided by Leicestershire County Council helps people tackle a range of issues, including drugs, truancy, employment, domestic abuse, health problems and anti-social behaviour.
The project brings together services from county and district councils, the police, the NHS and other organisations, reducing the need for families to deal with several different agencies.A 103-strong team of support workers is currently helping more than 600 families in the county.
The Housing Choices Team work with Supporting Leicestershire Families to provide joined up support to clients with housing issues.
Last updated: Thu 9 January, 2025 @ 12:15