When an election is called, each registered elector will be sent a Poll Card advising where and when they can vote.

These cards will usually be sent out around two weeks before the election.

If you have applied for either a postal or a proxy vote we will send you separate notification.

Proxy voting

You can get someone else to vote for you. Full instructions are sent to you or your proxy ahead of the election.  Please note that your proxy will need to vote at your allocated polling station.

You can apply online at www.gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote

More information on Proxy voting and the recent changes can be found at: Changes to proxy voting | Electoral Commission

Postal voting

You do not need to wait for an election to be called or a special reason such as holidays or incapacity to vote by post.

To vote by post, you must complete an application form available from the Electoral Registration Team.

You can apply online at www.gov.uk/apply-postal-vote

At the polling station

Most people still like to vote in their polling station. It's very easy to do - find out more

Last updated: Fri 24 May, 2024 @ 09:56