When voting by proxy, you nominate someone to vote on your behalf.  You can apply for a proxy vote as long as you are on the Register of Electors.

Anyone can be your proxy but they must be eligible to vote in UK elections and they must be willing to vote on your behalf.

When you apply for a proxy vote you have to provide a reason, this could include:

  • You are unable to go to the polling station for one particular election, for example, if you are away on holiday
  • You have a physical condition that means you cannot go to the polling station on Election Day
  • Your employment means that you cannot go to the polling station on Election Day
  • You are a crown servant or a member of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces

Make sure you're registered to vote

To vote in any election in the UK, you must be registered to vote. Find out if you're eligible to register and how to apply

If you're not sure if you already have a proxy vote, contact the electoral services team to find out.

Asking a trusted person to vote on your behalf

If you know that you won’t be able to get to the polling station on polling day, you can ask someone you trust to cast your vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote and the person casting your vote is often referred to as your proxy.

The person voting on your behalf can either go to your polling station to cast your vote, or can apply to vote on your behalf by post.

Find out how to vote by proxy

Provide a reason

When completing the application, you need to give a reason why you can’t get to your polling station in person.

This may be because you’re going to be on holiday, away with work, or are unable to get to your polling station on polling day due to a disability.

When applying for a new proxy vote, you must return your proxy vote application form by 5pm, six working days before the poll.

Complete an application

To apply for a proxy vote, you need to complete an application.

Apply for a proxy vote online

Alternatively, you can contact our elections team on 01530 454512 and request a paper application form. 

The application includes instructions on how to fill it in correctly. You need to provide your date of birth, National Insurance number and signature on your application form.

You need to complete a new proxy vote application if you have moved house or changed your name.

You can choose to apply for a proxy vote for a particular election, a particular type of election, or all elections you are eligible to vote in. 

A proxy vote for a particular election

There are two ways to apply for a proxy vote for a particular election:

A proxy vote for a particular type of election

If you want to apply for a proxy vote for a particular type of election only (for example, for council elections), you need to contact the elections team on 01530 454512 or emailing electreg@nwleicestershire.gov.uk 

A permanent or long-term proxy vote

Use one of these forms if you won’t be able to go to the polling station for the foreseeable future, or a long period of time. 

The form you need to complete depends on the reason why you need a proxy vote.

You can also apply for a proxy vote if you live overseas or are a service voter.

The deadline to apply for a proxy vote in the General Election on 4th July 2024 is 5pm on Wednesday, 26th July 2024. 

Last updated: Tue 28 May, 2024 @ 11:18