For Adults
Below are some videos our instructors have created for adults to be active in the comfort of your own home.
Remember exercise can be done at different intensities and to get the most benefit you need to be exercising at a moderate to vigorous intensity. Watch our intensity video from Debbie and Penny now to find out more about intestines and what this feels like.
Daily Boost
These are short burst workouts to reduce sedentary time and break up your working day. Get up out of your chair and join in! Pre-recorded and available on our YouTube channel.
get up from the desk 1 - April 9th (2 minutes)
get up from the desk 2 - April 17th (2 minutes)
work it - April 21st (2 minutes)
stretch - April 21st (2 minutes)
seated core & stretch - April 28th (6 minutes)
water bottle resistance - April 29th (2 minutes)
wheelchair workout - May 5th (6 minutes)
squat for it - May 12th (2 minutes)
fast feet vibes - May 15th (2 minutes)
core workout - May 19th (3 minutes)
full of beans - May 22nd (4 minutes)
lower body workout - May 26th (2 minutes)
mini band pump - June 2nd (4 minutes)
core conditioning - June 5th (4 minutes)
Sciatica stretch - June 9th (5 minutes)
Upper body - June 30th (2 minutes)
Squat o'clock - July 1st (2 minutes)
Band stretch - July 14th (4 minutes)
Keeping mobile
A short video just loosening off your muscles after a hard days work. Pre-recorded and available on our YouTube channel.
Keeping mobile - workout 1 (6 minutes)
Stretch and relax
A short workout including gentle stretching. Pre-recorded and available on our YouTube channel.
Stretch and relax 1 (3 minutes)
PE with Debbie
Streamed Live on our Facebook Channel every Monday at 10am.
Session 1 - September 7th (30 minutes)
Session 2- Septemeber 14th (29 minutes)
Session 3 - September 21st (27 minutes)
Session 4- September 28th (29 minutes)
Set yourself a challenge -October 5th (27 minutes)
Legs, bums and tums - October 12th (28 minutes)
Live yoga with Tracey 
Streamed lived on our Facebook channel every Thursday at 12.30pm. Tune in to take part live...
Workplace yoga - session 1 April 23rd (35 minutes)
hips - April 30th (30 minutes)
flowing - May 7th (35 minutes)
lower body session - May 14th (35 minutes)
strong body, strong mind - May 19th (30 minutes)
twist and move - May 21st (35 minutes)
flow 2 - May 28th (40 minutes)
standing yoga flow - June 4th (30 minutes)
hip mobility - June 11th (35 minutes)
holding posture with focus - June 18th (35 minutes)
healthy hips - June 25th (35 minutes)
Lower release and stretching - July 2nd (35 minutes)
Lunchtime standing yoga - July 9th (35 minutes)
Take a relax - July 16th (35 minutes)
Try something new - July 21st (30 minutes)
Mat work - July 23rd (35 minutes)
Freestyle - July 30th (35 minutes)
Neck work - August 4th (30 minutes)
Let's slow it down - August 6th (35 minutes)
Belt session - August 13th (35 minutes)
Balance and flow - August 18th (30 minutes)
Legs session - August 20th (35 minutes)
Parent and baby yoga 7 - August 25th (30 minutes)
Gentle flow - August 27th (35 minutes)
Under tension - September 1st (30 minutes)
Neck and shoulders - September 3rd (30 minutes)
Strength session - September 8th (30 minutes)
Lower body- September 10th (41 minutes)
Shoulder work- Septemeber 15th (38 minutes)
Strength flow- September 17th (41 minutes)
Stretching session - Septemeber 24th (42 minutes)
Controlled movement- September 29th (37 minutes)
Floor work session - October 1st (33 minutes)
Deep stretch session- October 8th (34 minutes)
More information
The British Heart Foundation have created a range of workouts to try whilst you are at home including strength exercises using everyday objects, chair based exercises and 10-minute living room workout. Take a look at all of their workouts here.
Why not take a look at the one minute mover videos to help you ditch the desk here from Paths for All. There are sit to stands, calf raises and squats - go on give them a go!
Last updated: Fri 28 July, 2023 @ 11:08