Most planning decisions are made by the Planning and Development Manager, under 'delegated powers'. 

Elected members have the right to request a 'call-in' of an application so it is decided by Planning Committee

How does an elected member call-in a planning application?

The ward member of the ward to which the application relates or the ward member of an adjoining ward (if that adjoining ward is materially impacted by the application) wishing to call-in an application must notify the Director of Services that they wish to do so, either in writing or by email. 

This notification must be given within 28 days of the notification e-mail and:

  • The call-in is supported by one or more planning grounds


  • The item relates to a matter of local concern.

A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter cannot exercise a right to call-in an application.

Read more about member interests.

The call in notification is then discussed by the Chairman of Planning Committee and the Strategic Director of Place to decide whether or not the application should be heard at Planning Committee.

Further advice on other applications that are considered at Planning Committee can be found on Pages 38 and 39 in the 

Last updated: Sat 16 December, 2023 @ 19:35