The Secretary of State has the power to call-in an application in certain circumstances (s.77 Town and Country Planning Act 1990) where the application:
- May conflict with national policies on important matters
- May have significant long-term impact on economic growth and meeting housing needs across a wider area than a single local authority
- Could have significant effects beyond their immediate locality
- Gives rise to substantial cross-boundary or national controversy
- Raises significant architectural and urban design issues
or - May involve the interests of national security or of foreign Governments.
Current government policy, however, is to call-in only ‘when matters are of national significance’ (Greg Clark, Minister of State Department for Communities and Local Government, May 2012).
If the Secretary of State calls-in an application, the local planning authority will be notified and the case will be dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate by the holding of a public inquiry.
The Planning Inspector will then prepare a report to be sent to the Secretary of State who will then decide the application, taking into account the Inspector’s recommendation.
Last updated: Sat 16 December, 2023 @ 19:40