Food business registration

All food businesses are required by law to register with the local authority 28 days before opening to trade and registration is free. This includes if you are taking over an existing business.

If your business involves any of the following you will need to register the business with us:

Were Open

  • Selling food
  • Cooking food
  • Storing or handling food
  • Preparing food
  • Distributing food

A few examples of businesses that require registration are Restaurants, Cafes, Hotels, Shops, Canteens, Market stalls, Mobile catering vans, Food delivery vans, Food Banks, Pubs and Clubs (including wet sales).

Food business registration form

If you are registering a new food business then you must complete a Food Premises Registration Form. You need to register at least 28 days before you start any food preparation.

If you require assistance or if you need to update your contact details then please contact our Environmental Health Safety Team at

Please contact Ofsted if you would like to register as a childcare provider.


Some businesses that manufacture or handle products of animal origin may need approval under EC Regulation 853/2004 by the local authority or the Food Standards Agency.

Examples of premises that may require approval by the local authority include:

  • Meat processing operations
  • Meat preparation plants
  • Cold stores
  • Grading or packing of eggs

The Foods Standards Agency also approves some types of these businesses. If you'd like to discuss this in more detail then please contact the Environmental Health Safety Team 01530 454545.

Unsure whether you need to register?

If you are uncertain whether your business needs to be registered or requires approval please contact the Environmental Health Safety Team on 01530 454545.

Last updated: Fri 28 June, 2024 @ 11:32