To meet our housing and employment needs up to 2042, we need to allocate enough suitable sites in the new Local Plan. The process we have followed to identify our preferred sites is explained in the Site Assessment Methodology (PDF Document, 0.55 Mb)

The main source of sites is the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) 2021. The SHELAA is the best document to use if you want to see a map for each site.

Sustainbility Appraisal 

We commissioned independent consultants to undertake a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) to provide a high-level comparative assessment of the sustainability credentials of the potential sites.

We prepared a proforma for each site which scored against a range of criteria.  These proformas were used by the SA consultants in their assessment.

The SA findings are presented in a final report.

A Second Stage SA has now been completed. The purpose of this document is to identify the potential significant effects of the sites which are being considered for allocation in the new Local Plan. The document includes the previously assessed sites and additional sites submitted to the council post 31 March 2021. The report has also been updated in response to consultee comments recevied during the Regulation 18 consultation undertaken in early 2024.

Detailed Site Assesment: Outcomes

Our detailed site assessments bring together information from the proforma, the SA and SHELAA, as well as any further information that came to light as we went through the site assessment process.

For housing sites, we identify the similarities and differences between sites in a particular settlement before identifying the preferred site(s) for housing.

The employment sites are assessed on a site-by-site basis. Each individual site assessment concludes on the site’s overall suitability, or otherwise, for allocation in the new Local Plan.

Last updated: Tue 18 March, 2025 @ 09:21