New streets and buildings within North West Leicestershire are to be named and numbered in a logical and standardised way.

Charges apply for the processing of all applications (see details later). 

The Street Naming and Numbering Guide has been put together to provide information and assistance on the process:

Street Naming and Numbering Guide (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

Application Forms

SNN Development - Names & Numbers (April 25-26) (Word Document, 0.88 Mb)

Use this application for a development of multiple plots where a new street name is required.

SNN Multiple Properties (April 25-26) (Word Document, 0.88 Mb)

Use this application for multiple plots on an existing street.

SNN Single Plot (April 25-26) (Word Document, 0.88 Mb)

Use this application for a single plot on an existing street. 

SNN Addition or Change Property Name (April 25-26) (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)

Use this application to change the name of an existing property (either commercial or residential).

SNN Re-Planned Development (April 25-26) (Word Document, 0.88 Mb)

Use this application form where the site plan has changed after the development has recieved the Numbering Schedule. 

Fees (April 2025/26)

We charge a small fee for street naming and numbering:

  • Renaming or numbering an existing property: £47.00
  • Naming and numbering a development of up to five plots: £47.00 per plot
  • Naming and numbering a development of more than five plots (initial fee): £236.00
  • Naming and numbering more than five plots (per plot): £25.00
  • Naming a street: £177.00
  • Change to a development after notification (initial fee): £62.00
  • Change to a development after notification (per plot): £32.00
  • Street renaming at residents request: £310.00
  • Confirmation of postal address details: £32.00
  • Numbering of a new flat complex (per flat): £32.00

Allocation of new postal addresses and new streets

Once a new postal address or street name has been allocated, we will contact Royal Mail.

Royal Mail will not allocate a postcode until it has received formal notification from us of a new street name or address. 

When we receive the new postcode, we will then inform the developer or occupier as appropriate. We will also inform other interested parties of the new address or street name. These include the emergency services, council departments and other organisations.

If you have a question about postcodes contact the Royal Mail on 08456 045060 (Postcode Enquiries).

Land Registry

It is the responsibility of the property owner to inform Land Registry of a house/property name change approval - so your title deeds reflect the name of the property. The contact address is:

The Citizen Centre

Land Registry

Wales Office

Ty Cwm Tawe

Phoenix Way




Tel: 0300 006 0009

Last updated: Fri 21 February, 2025 @ 10:38