2025 Call for Sites: General Needs Employment and Lorry Parking
The Draft North West Leicestershire Local Plan: Additional Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations Consultation Document identifies that there could be a shortfall of between 12 and 19ha of general needs employment land compared with what is required for the New Local Plan. If you own or control land which may be suitable for general employment purposes to help bridge this gap, we would like to hear from you. We need sites suitable for offices, industry and/or smaller-scale warehousing; we are not asking for strategic-scale warehousing sites (for units of more than 9,000sqm) at this stage.
Please refrain from resubmitting sites we have already considered. You can check which sites we have already assessed on our Site Assessment page.
We would also like to hear from you if you own or control land in the district which may be suitable for lorry parking. Factors which may affect the suitability of a site for lorry parking include:
- Is the site accessible from the Strategic Road Network?
- Is there a safe site access which is, or could be, suitable for HGvs?
- Is the site level?
- Could the site be made secure?
- Would a lorry parking operation on this site disturb neighbours?
Please submit details of sites which could be suitable for these uses using the Site Submission Form which explains the information we need including a site plan (1:2500 or 1:1250 scale) with the boundaries of the site clearly marked in red.
Email the completed form to planning.policy@nwleicestershire.gov.uk by 11.59pm on Friday 2 May 2025.
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and the Brownfield Land Register
The Council is responsible for preparing and keeping up to date a Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) to help inform future plan making in the district. The SHELAA gathers together information on potential sites for housing and economic development and assesses their suitability. The latest SHELAA can be found on the Council’s SHELAA webpage.
The requirement for the Council to prepare and maintain a Brownfield Land Register came into force in April 2017 and we are required to publish, by 31 December each year, a register of brownfield land within the district that is suitable for residential development.
The window for submitting new sites for inclusion in a review of the SHELAA closed on 21 October 2020. However if you wish to submit a site for consideration in a future SHELAA or the Brownfield Land Register then please download a MS Word version of the Site Submission Form .
You will need to use a separate form for each site submitted and attach a site plan (1:2500 or 1:1250 scale) with the boundaries of the site clearly marked in red.
To be considered for inclusion in the SHELAA or Brownfield land Register sites must be at least 0.25ha or be capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings or 500 sq m of floorspace. Sites submitted for inclusion in the Brownfield Land Register must also meet the definition of Brownfield (or previously developed land) set out in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Consideration of sites for inclusion in the SHELAA will be made in accordance with the agreed Leicester and Leicestershire Joint Methodology.
It is important to note that the SHELAA is a technical document to identify potential sites for housing and employment. The inclusion of a site in the SHELAA does not provide any indication of the Councils view of its acceptability for future development. Any inclusion of sites within the document does not necessarily mean that a site will be included in the reviewed Local Plan nor does it imply or guarantee that planning permission would be granted should an application be submitted for consideration.
If you have any sites that you think may be suitable as potential Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites then you can submit these to us using our Gypsy and Traveller Call for Sites Form (Word Document, 2.08 Mb).
Last updated: Thu 20 March, 2025 @ 17:56