What is Better Business for All?
It is a partnership between local businesses and regulators that helps you to use regulations to your advantage. Allowing your business to grow and help raise the economic competitiveness of Leicestershire.
How can regulation help my business?
Compliance with regulations can help your business by:
- providing a high and competitive standard of product that customers trust
- helping guard your business against liability
- highlighting any inefficient use of resources
What support is available?
- Both face to face and telephone advice can be obtained from North West Leicestershire District Council, the LLEP Business Advisors and other partners.
- A range of business support including training and funding opportunities which can be accessed through the LLEP Business Gateway.
How do I access support?
Speak to the regulators themselves...
If you need support with regulations in either food safety, pollution, licensing or workplace health and safety then contact us on 01530 454545.
If you require support with regulations including trading standards, consumer protection, taxation, employment and fire safety call the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership business support team on 0116 3668487 or email .
Which organisations are involved?
The scheme is supported by us and the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) - plus:
Last updated: Fri 7 February, 2025 @ 12:11