The Business Gateway is the “Growth Hub” for Leicester and Leicestershire. It aims to promote the uptake of business support by making it easier to find out what is available.  The Gateway is a single place to go for information and advice on local and national business support available across Leicester and Leicestershire.

How can the Business Gateway help your business?

The business support landscape is wide and complex. There is so much support available to businesses in Leicester and Leicestershire but where do you start?

Support from the Business Gateway includes a range of free services if you are just starting out or have been trading a while. This includes:

  • 1-to-1 business advice helping you plan, prioritise and develop your business
  • Webinars and face-to-face workshops to build your business skills and knowledge
  • Sourcing and assistance with grant/finance applications for funds to grow
  • Signposting to other local or national resources relevant to your business needs.

Adviser Team

The Business Gateway adviser team will work with you to tackle any issues you might have and help you plan your next steps. They will guide and support you in your business, at a pace that suits you. Call now to book a free business review:  0116 4542917 or email

Call now to find out how they can support your business growth: 0116 366 8487 or visit

For more information please visit the website at, follow us on Twitter @BizGateway join our LinkedIn Group or Follow our LinkedIn Page

Last updated: Wed 26 June, 2024 @ 10:13