The Exercise Referral Scheme is a partnership between North West Leicestershire District Council, Active Together, Leicestershire Public Health, local councils, G.P Practices and other Health Care Professionals. 

Exercise referral logo

It offers people who are inactive (less than 30 minutes of activity per week) and have a long-term physical or mental health condition access to appropriate physical activity. The scheme lasts for 12 weeks and gives individuals the opportunity to participate in exercise:

  • At a concession price for 12 weeks

  • At a convenient venue in the local community

  • Under the guidance of qualified exercise professionals

People need encouragement and support to help them to make the first steps to becoming more active on a regular basis, and this is what the Exercise Referral Scheme is all about.

For further information please contact the exercise referral corodinator on 01530 454839 or by e-mail at or visit Active Together.

If you would prefer to submit a self-referral, then visit First Contact Plus and use the self-referral button. This will then come through to us and we can get in contact with you directly to discuss how we can support you.

Last updated: Tue 28 May, 2024 @ 11:13