Older Adult Support

The page below where you will find information and support for older adults including finding out what is happening in the community, support for understanding technology, staying active into later age and local organisations. 

Getting Active

As we age, we experience physical changes such as decreased muscle strength, muscle power, lower stamina etc which can reduce our ability to perform daily tasks. These changes start gradually in yours 30s or 40s however this process speeds up between the ages of 65 and 80 and are accelerated again due to physical inactivity and increased sedentary time. However, there is strong scientific evidence stating that physical activity can reverse these changes such as strength training can reverse muscle loss. 

For more information and guidance about being active as an older person, please see our Let's Get Adults 65+ Moving page

Age UK 

age UK llr

Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland is an independent local charity with a national name. They work in the local community to help older people live happier, active, fulfilled and socially-engaged lives in communities around the City, County and Rutland. 

Some ways that Age UK offer support can be through:

  • Support for living independently: They understand the importance of retaining your independence as you get older. Sometimes you may need a little help to do so, perhaps due to ill health, a change in your financial circumstances or bereavement.
  • Support if you feel lonely or isolated: Become more active and make new friends with our many different social opportunities.Keeping active as possible and staying socially connected is vital to wellbeing.
  • Dementia Support Services:Whether you are personally affected by dementia or caring for someone with the condition, the support and help you need after a diagnosis often includes immediate practical help as well as support with the emotional, physical and social effects of living with dementia.
  • Support for Carers: Caring for a loved one can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it is also a big undertaking that can leave you feeling tired and stressed. It is important that you look after yourself and take advantage of the support available to you as a carer.

For more support and information, explore the Age UK Leicestershire Shire & Rutland Webpage

Veterans Support

As long as you have a service history, or association, then you will be made welcome. Once We Were Soldiers, The Royal British Legion, and Hermitage FM Community Cafe, together with North West Leicestershire District Council are all supporting Coalville’s first Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club.

To find out more, please visit the Veterans and Armed Forces support page.

Bright Hope

bright hope nwldc

Bright Hope offers a range of therapeutic and social care services in North West Leicestershire.

The charity supports individuals who have a life limiting condition or one that leads to a significant reduction in quality of life, as well as offering support to their partner, carer or family.

To find out more, please visit the Bright Hope Website

NHS older adults 

Being able to stay healthy in later life is a crucial issue for all of us. The NHS are improving care and supporting older people to look after their own health.

For NHS support and information, please visit the NHS older adults page. 

What's going on in the community 

The North West Leicestershire Community Page is where you will find out about what is happening around North West Leicestershire. You will be able to find information about community centres, warm spaces and events happening where you live. 

Digital Support Active Together 

BT Skills for Tomorrow are working with the Good Things Foundation on supporting older and vulnerable people and those with low or no digital skills to stay in contact with family and friends, to keep up to date, and to be healthy during the spread of the coronavirus.

Key information includes:

  • How to access GP services online – providing key information on how to find and register with your local GP surgery, apply for repeat prescriptions and look up health records online.
  • How to use the NHS website – outlining how to make the most of the NHS website to find advice and local health services like GPs and hospitals online.
  • Using public services online – how to understand what public services are available online, how use the GOV.UK government website and find local council services.

To get information about this service please visit: Active Together Digital Support Skills

Last updated: Mon 6 January, 2025 @ 08:33