Let's Get Moving Outdoors

Want to find out for you can get active outdoors in North West Leicestershire? See below some opportunities in our area.

Outdoor Gyms

In NWL we have 6 outdoor gyms located in our parks, by our play areas and within our recreation grounds, so you are never far away from one*. All of our gyms are free to use and suitable for all fitness levels. They are easy to use no matter what your experience level. 

Find out about our outdoor gyms via our outdoor gyms page.

Couch to 5k 

Taking up running can seem like a scary prospect, especially if you feel out of shape or unfit. NHS Couch to 5K will help you gradually work up towards running 5km in just 9 weeks. Couch to 5K is a running plan for absolute beginners. 

To find out more about Couch to 5k, please see the NHS Couch to 5k webpage.


Parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. parkrun is 5k and takes place every Saturday morning. 

There are two Park Run events that happen in North West Leicestershire: Sence Valley and Conkers Parkrun. A great place to get active, meet new people and get outdoors! 

For more information about Parkruns, please see the Parkrun Webpage.


Allotments are a great way to get outdoors, enjoy the open space and enjoy growing your own food!

To find out more about equiring an allotment, take a look at the Allotments page

Additionally, if you are looking for some tips and tricks about maintaining and growing food in your allotment, have a look at our allotments and growing page. 

Parks and Open Spaces

If you are looking for somewhere to go for relaxation at the weekend or on a summers eveningthen look no further than the parks.

Open daily from 8am until dusk and located around the district, these parks offer many activities to get involved with or a place to get away from the stresses and strains.

For information about our parks and open spaces see our parks and open spaces page.

Find our parks on our Parks page

Find our play areas on our play areas page

Find out about our nature parks on our nature sites page

Cycling in North West Leicestershire

Cycling is a great way to keep fit and healthy. It is low cost, environmentally friendly and often quicker than other types of transport.

Why not try cycling to work, school or just for fun to enjoy these benefits. 

North West Leicestershire is a great place to get out and about on your bike, check out our Cycling in North West Leicestershire page for ideas and routes in our local area.

Find out how easy it is to make everyday cycling journeys to work, school or the shops through checking out the Choose how you move 


Cycling Strategy and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan 

North West Leicestershire District Council have led on the development of a North West Leicestershire Cycling and Walking Strategy with the support of Leicestershire County Council. The stragey has been developed in consultation with numerous partners such as; parish councils, neighbouring district and borough councils, the National Forest Company, local community groups, local cycling and walking groups.

Read more about the local cycling and walking infrastructure plan via our dedicated page.

Last updated: Mon 6 January, 2025 @ 08:33