A Personal Licence allows an individual to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol in accordance with the times and conditions stated on a Premises Licence or Temporary Event Notice. Applicants can only hold one Personal Licence which has no expiry date and remains with that person if they move premises. This must be issued by the local authority where the applicant lives.

If you require any amendments to your Personal Licence please put the changes in writing and send along with your card, licence and relevant Licensing Act Fees (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb) to us at NWLDC, PO Box 11051, Coalville, LE67 0FW. 

Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) is an individual who holds a valid personal licence and is named on a premises licence which authorises the sale by retail of alcohol. The premises licence must specify the name, address and telephone number of the DPS.

You can now apply online by completeing a Personal Licence Application Form. Please note we will need to see a copy of your original DBS Certificate. Please be aware that the Basic Disclosure & Barring Service certificate must be no older than 30 days.

Alternatively, you can download a Personal Licence Application Form (PDF Document, 0.2 Mb) and post this to us at the Coalville Council Offices with all relevant documents.

Please refer to our Licensing Act - Statement of Licensing Policy 2019-24 (PDF Document, 0.66 Mb) and Licensing Act - Cumulative Impact Assessment 2022 to 2025 (PDF Document, 0.93 Mb) for more information.

As part of the application process you will be required to pass the BIIAB Award for Personal Licence Holders (Level 2).

If you already have a Personal Alcohol Licence and need to inform us of a change of name, address or have lost your licence please complete the form below.

Personal Alcohol Licence request for changes or replacement

Last updated: Thu 6 March, 2025 @ 12:06