Draft Local Plan Consultation – 5 February to 17 March 2024
We consulted on our new Local Plan from 5 February to 17 March 2024. We are now analysing the responses to the consultation.
The responses we received, the consultation documents and background information are on our New Local Plan page.
Development Strategy Options and Policy Options - January to March 2022
This consultation ran between 17 January and 14 March 2022. The Development Strategy Options and Policy Options consultation described a number of key issues that the Local Plan Review must address, including options for how housing and employment development might be distributed across the district, as well as more specific policy topics such as how we might help to address climate change issues.
- Local Plan Review Consultation Document (PDF Document, 0.87 Mb).
- Sustainability Appraisal of the Spatial Options
Development Strategy and Policy Options Consultation Responses
Altogether there were 414 responses to the consultation (there was one duplicate response that was recorded under number 319 which has been removed).
Due to the volume of response we have published them in a number of PDF documents and one spreadsheet. The responses that came in via CitizenSpace are on the spreadsheet.
How to view the responses
There is an index of representations that details the representation number of each responder. The index can be used to search for a response and then using the relevant respondent number you can access the full response in the relevant PDF/spreadsheet.
Once you’ve opened the relevant PDF you can use the 'contents' or 'menu' icon (in the top left corner) and the 'document outline' icon to navigate to the response you wish to view.
Index of Representations (Excel Spreadsheet, 0.1 Mb)
Consultation Responses 1-100 (PDF Document, 36.54 Mb)
Consultation Responses 101-200 (PDF Document, 96.12 Mb)
Consultation Responses 201-317 (PDF Document, 132.67 Mb)
Consultation Responses 318-396 (Excel Spreadsheet, 0.1 Mb)
Consultation Responses 397-415 (Including additional responses 324 and 325) (PDF Document, 15.54 Mb)
Please note:
There are two representors that responded via citizenspace and also completed a consultation response form and therefore there is a response on both the spreadsheet and in the PDF document for respondent numbers 324 and 325.
Please note there were two responses numbered 185 and 187 that, when checked, were illegible. We have given these respondants the opportunity to resubmit their representations.
Emerging Options Consultation - November 2018 to January 2019
Between 12 November 2018 and 11 January 2019, we undertook consultation on Emerging Options which could be included in our Local Plan Review.
Consultation document: Emerging Options Consultation Document (PDF Document, 0.58 Mb)
Summary of responses: Emerging Options - Summary of Responses (PDF Document, 1 Mb)
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Consultation - September to October 2018
Between 3 September and 15 October we consulted on our Local Plan Review Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. This provides detailed baseline information on the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the plan area, including the likely evolution of the baseline position which would occur without the plan.
Various Consultations - June to August 2018
Between 25 June 2018 and 28 August 2018 we undertook consultation on the following issues:
Revised Statement of Community Involvement – We sought views on changes proposed to our 2015 SCI mainly to take account of changes introduced in the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017.
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Call for Sites – We undertook a call for sites which could potentially be included in a revision of our SHELAA.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations DPD Call for Sites – We undertook a call for sites which are potentially suitable for use by Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.
Local Green Space Nomination - A consultation to identify suitable sites to be designated as Local Green Spaces across North West Leicestershire.
Issues Consultation - February 2018
We started the Local Plan Review by undertaking a Local Plan Partial Review - Issues Consultation (PDF Document, 0.27 Mb) between February and April 2018.
A summary of the responses received during the consultation, and officer responses to them, were reported to the Local Plan Committee on 22 June 2018.
Last updated: Wed 5 February, 2025 @ 10:24