Traders who use mobile food preparation trailers, semi-permanent road side cafes, ice cream sellers and road side flower sellers must apply for Street Trading Consent.

Some food sellers will also be required to obtain a premises licence (under the Licensing Act 2003) if they want to provide late night refreshment.

If you're not sure if you need consent then please take a look at the documents below for guidance.

Street Trading Consent Conditions (PDF Document, 0.21 Mb)

Street Trading Guidance (PDF Document, 0.28 Mb)

Here is our policy and fees. Forms should be sent to us in good time - there is a 28-day consultation period for all grant and renewal applications.

Street Trading Policy (PDF Document, 0.26 Mb)

Street Trading Fees & Charges 2024-25 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

The register of Street Traders can now be found by following the link below:

Last updated: Mon 3 February, 2025 @ 12:19