Police & Crime Commissioner - 02 May 2024

Police & Crime Commissioner - Results 02.05.24 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

The total number of votes given to each candidate at the election are as follows:

Candidate name

Description (if any)

Total number of votes for Candidate*

ASKARI, Fizza One Leicester 7,104
BORA, Aasiya Green Party 23,649
MATTHEWS, Rupert Oliver The Conservative Party Candidate 62,280 ELECTED
PALMER, Rory Labour and Co-opertaive Party 61,420
SHARPE, Ian Robert Liberal Democrats 22,041

*If elected the word 'Elected' appears against the number of votes.

The total Electorate was 821,573.

The total number of Ballot Papers issued was 178,293.

The total turnout was 21.70%.

Snibston South By Election - 02 May 2024

Election result for Snibston South by-election - Thursday 2 May 2024 (PDF Document, 0.18 Mb)

The total number of votes given to each candidate at the election are as follows:

Name of Candidate

Description (if any)

Number of Votes*

BECK, Catherine Labour Party 222 Elected
HOLLIDAY David Paul commonly known as HOLLIDAY Paul Liberal Democrat 71
ROBERTS Daniel Peter commonly known as ROBERTS Dan Independent 121
SIMPSON Greg Green Party 19

*If elected the word 'Elected' appears against the number of votes.

The total Electorate was 2,006.

The total number of Ballot Papers issued was 434.

The total turnout was 21.64%.

Last updated: Tue 7 May, 2024 @ 11:53