Draft Local Plan public consultation - 5 February to 17 March 2024

Consultation Responses

We received 639 responses to this consultation which we've published in a series of PDF documents. We have redacted personal information and any text considered inappropriate for publication (e.g. offensive langauge). 

In addition to the consultation responses, a 175-signature petition was received objecting to the proposed housing allocation at Broom Leys Farm, Coalville (site C46).

How to view the responses

We have created indexes to help you search for a response or respondent. The Full Respondent Index contains the name of every respondent and their response number. We have also created individual indexes for each of the three consultation documents so you can see who commented on which aspects of each document. 

Due to the number and length of the responses we have had to publish them in a number of separate PDFs. Once you have the response number of the representation you want to view (see above Indexes), open the relevant PDF and use the 'bookmark' (right hand menu bar) or 'table of contents' (top left hand corner) features to navigate to it.

Please note: There are a number of gaps in the numbering which are mainly due to us amalamating responses from the same respondents.

Consultation Documents 

There were three consultation documents:

We also published draft Policies Map which shows the policies and proposals in map form.

Background information

If you would like a short explanation of what a Local Plan is and how it is prepared, watch this 3 minute video prepared by The Planning Inspectorate. We also prepared some Frequently Asked Questions.

You might also wish to look at these New Homes Fact Sheets prepared by Homes England which provide some useful context on why new homes are needed and how they are planned for.

In support of the Proposed Policies document, we prepared a range of Topic Papers:

In support of the Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations document, we published the following in the Site Assessment section of our Evidence Base page.

  • Site assessment methodology – this explains the process we have followed to select sites to include in the new Local Plan
  • Sustainability Appraisal – this is a high-level comparative assessment of the sustainability credentials of the potential sites.
  • Site proformas – these provide summary information about each potential site.
  • Site assessments – these are the detailed assessments.

Here are the exhibition panels we prepared.

What has happened so far?

Adopted Local Plan Partial Review

The North West Leicestershire Local Plan was adopted on 21 November 2017. It sets out a strategy for delivering the homes, jobs and infrastructure needed in the district between 2011 and 2031. Policy S1 of the plan says we needed to start a review within three months of adoption. The Partial Review has been completed and we are now working on our new Local Plan.  

New Local Plan 

We have already undertaken a number of consultations. More information can be found on the New Local Plan – progress so far page.

We are also updating various parts of our Evidence Base and undertaking a Sustainability Appraisal.

What is the timetable for the New Local Plan?

The timetable for the preparation of the new Local Plan is set out in the Local Development Scheme.

Local Plan Consultation Database

Please note: If you wish to be kept informed of progress on the new Local Plan, you can email us at planning.policy@nwleicestershire.gov.uk with your name, organisation (if applicable), postal address and email and we can then keep you up to date with future consultations.

Last updated: Thu 13 March, 2025 @ 14:06