Our Local Plan requires a masterplan for the proposed Moneyhill development on sites H3a and Ec2(1) - as set out on the adopted Local Plan Ashby Inset Map (PDF Document, 3.56 Mb).
The site promoter has been working with the district council and a range of other stakeholders to develop this masterplan which shows how it is envisaged that the site would be developed. This includes around 1,400 new homes and 16 hectares of employment land.
The masterplan has been in preparation since 2016 and has been the subject of extensive dialogue with key consultees.
The final version of the Moneyhill Masterplan was approved by the Council in December 2019 following extensive dialogue with key stakeholders and public consultations since 2016. It will now be used to help guide development of the Moneyhill site.
Last updated: Tue 28 January, 2025 @ 13:02