What is self and custom build?
Self-build and custom-build housing is housing built by individuals or groups for their own use, either by building the home on their own or by working with builders.
Self builds are projects where the person directly organises the design and construction of their new home themselves. This can cover a wide range of projects, from a traditional 'DIY self-build' home, where the self-builder selects the design they want and then does much of the actual construction work themselves, to projects where the self-builder arranges for an architect/contractor to build their home for them; and those projects that are delivered by kit home companies (where the self-builder still has to find the plot, arrange for the slab to be installed and then has to organise the kit home company to build the property for them).
Custom build usually means working with a specialist developer to help you deliver your home.
The Self Build Regulations
The Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Regulations 2016 place a duty on local councils in England to keep and have regard to a register of people who are interested in self-build or custom-build projects in their area. This register will help inform the council of the level of demand for self-build and custom-build plots in the North West Leicestershire area.
Who can be entered onto the register?
The eligibility criteria for an entry onto the register are set out in the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Regulations 2016. The Regulations specify that to be eligible, an individual must be:
- aged over 18; and
- a British citizen, or a national of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland; and
- seeking to acquire a serviced plot of land in the district to build a house to occupy as that individual’s sole or main residence
Do you want to register your interest?
If you would like to register your interest for a custom or self-build plot, please complete the relevant form below:
Self Build Form Individual (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)
Self Build Form Association (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)
Please note that registration does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be found.
Where can I find out more information?
Planning permission has been granted at appeal for the self and custom build development of 30 plots with a new access and supporting infrastructure (outline - access and layout included), at Land off Hepworth Road, Woodville. (Application Reference 16/01191/OUTM) The planing application can be viewed on the Councils website at https://www.nwleics.gov.uk/pages/view_planning_applications
More general information is available via the self-build portal at www.selfbuildportal.org.uk a government endorsed self-build website.
You may also find the National Custom and Self-build Association web site at www.nacsba.org.uk useful.
Last updated: Mon 9 December, 2024 @ 15:19